Friday, October 5, 2012

It’s Like Houdini

I believe we have a Houdini on our hands. We have alway had a pretty regular bedtime routine. About 7 o’clock we start with baths, then pajamas, followed by teeth brushing. They grab their lovies and off we go back downstairs for a little more play time and book reading. Once 8 o’clock rolls around […]

Monday, March 12, 2012

Another Pinterest Project

Thankfully, Saturday was nice enough that once we had the kids down for their nap my mom and I were able to start on a few projects for the new house. With her help, I was able to prime both the wrought iron bed for Kaden and a table that Justin picked up for our […]

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Brookside Parade

Last year we decided to check out the Brookside Parade with the Johnsons and this year we decided to make it a tradition. But first, a few things we learned from last year that would be very important for this years’ trip: 1. You can drink. In the streets. And whats a parade without a few […]

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandpa.

Happy Birthday Grandpa Earl! You’re 88 today and I hope you are spending your day in Heaven doing all the things that you love. A trip to Judy’s (Heaven has a Judy’s right?). Listening to some friendly town gossip and jumping in just once in awhile to share your thoughts, but mostly you’re just soaking […]

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Meet Kiley Ann

Ten fingers. Ten toes. A full head of pitch black hair. Perfect in every way. Last week our good friends (who happen to be major MU fans) welcomed their first child into this crazy but beautiful world. Kiley was born on Oct. 3rd which just happened to be her Mommy and Daddy’s 2nd wedding anniversary. […]

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Quarter Birthday Logan

Today marked Logan’s quarter birthday! And no, for those of you who are wondering, we didn’t celebrate-just wanted a fun but true title for this blog. In just 3 months Logan has become everything we could have imagined for our family. Just like Kaden, he is a blessing each and every day. A few fun […]

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve’s Eve

We decided to do things a little different this year. In past years we have always stayed the night at my parents on Christmas Eve to wake up to a yummy Christmas morning breakfast. We would then load up and head back to KC to join Justin’s family for the Christmas Day celebration. This year, […]

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Audrey and Hartley

are going to have to take a backseat and wait for baby #3 because… will arrive around May 11th. Going into the appointment, I still thought it was a girl. We heard the heartbeat, 142 and that was down from 150 just two weeks ago. I thought that was more confirmation that we were having […]

Sunday, November 28, 2010

All for one SPECIAL little girl!

Miss Lottie is such an inspiration to all of us. She is battling Leukemia and besides not having any hair, you wouldn’t even know there was anything wrong. But on a weekly basis, if not more, she undergoes some sort of treatment or has her levels checked. She has been poked and prodded countless times […]

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Big Boy Haircut

It was time for Kaden to get his FIRST “real” haircut and since I wasn’t sure how he would react, I figured it was best to take him to the professionals. Enter Shear Madness. What a kid-friendly place, the little guy got to sit and drive a fire truck while the stylist worked her magic […]