Friday, December 5, 2014

Here’s to Another Wonderful Year

I was on top of my game this year when it came to our family holiday card. Maybe it was because Oliver Beckett Photography has pretty much all but come to an end. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t waiting on a “holiday” picture and just used a few of my favorite images from Instagram—like we […]

Friday, October 17, 2014

A Quick Trip Home

I had plans to spend one of the past weekends with my hubby at the American Royal but the weather was a little cold and things just weren’t looking to play out like we envisioned so while he BBQ’d all weekend, I loaded the car up and headed home for some family time. We hadn’t […]

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nicole Renee Photography–Carnival Pics

If you have followed along on here or through Facebook you know that when it comes to my kids and their milestone birthdays I always have Ms. Katy from Katy Gitto Photography capture their adorable smiles–I honestly never thought I would have my kids in front of anyone else’s camera, besides my own. & then […]

Monday, September 1, 2014

A little bit of…Wind

We had sunshine. We had rain. Why wouldn’t we have a day full of wind?! It was actually so windy that they basically shut the beach down–sand bursts were happening & pelting guests in the face. We had these grand plans of spending more time at the beach and less time at the pool but […]

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Soccer–Let’s Go Comets.

Its soccer season. We are four weeks in and Kaden has only got to play once, the team has only played twice. First week was a bye week but the kids had pictures & Kaden certainly looks the part… But lets back up a little first. When we asked Kaden a few months back what […]

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A {Mini} Vacation: Day Two

We ended our first day in California with a drive inland to Pleasanton & arrived a few minutes early to Roy & Tim’s house so we turned our car around and headed to a park that was just up the street. And let me just say, this city has the most beautiful parks I have […]

Sunday, December 15, 2013


I have seen a number of people post pictures of their families making gingerbread houses over the last few weeks & decided that this year would be the perfect year to start that tradition with our boys as well. And why not make it a party too! A few texts later & we had the […]

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Three Hundred Sixty Five Days Later…

Its really amazing what a difference a year can make. This weekend marked our first anniversary in our new home and when I actually sit down and think about, it seems like we have been here a lot longer than that. I can hardly remember everything that went on that day but I do know […]

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Big Boy Underwear

Tonight I am taking a moment to brag on my biggest, little man. He has been potty trained since the end of May but have been wearing pull-ups at night just to be sure. There have been mornings where he has waken up completely dry but then there are MORE mornings were its not. So […]

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pinterest Project– Just Hangin’ Around

UPDATE 12/24/2015: So this is crazy but it looks like this little post is getting a lot of attention right now & that is nice and all but I should warn that I am not great at responding to comments–Sorry. This post is really about documenting my boys and their life, it’s their scrapbook. With […]