Saturday, October 5, 2019

Monster Bash 2019

It was tournament time for the Aces again. The last of the fall tournaments and we once again were keeping our fingers crossed the weather would hold out.  We drew the early games on Saturday morning, 8 am and 10 am. We rolled through the first game with a win and then even before it […]

Sunday, April 28, 2019

KC T-Bone Sizzler 2019

This weekend was all about baseball and for both boys. It was the KC T-Bone Sizzler baseball tournament. It also happens to be the first tournament that the boys would be in where they weren’t on the same team and would be playing at different locations. Not to mention, it was lake house clean up […]

Monday, March 11, 2019

Souths Sail the Horizon – Hello Grand Turk & a sweet surprise

Good Morning Grand Turk. When we were in the Bahamas two years ago I started making the boys go out on the balcony and take a picture of us arriving and we continued with that tradition this trip to. We arrived in Grand Turk nice and early and we had a nice and early excursion […]

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Weather the Weather

Third grade musical was finally here.  We had been gearing up for this night for over two months–not with Kaden practicing his LINE or the songs but Momma and her friends were in charge of the decorations. I’ve gotten better at saying NO but when it comes to school–I almost always say YES. So when […]

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

World Kindness Day

For our fall family pictures I needed to get the boys something new to wear and so I went to the one place I also go now, Abercrombie Kids. I picked out a few button ups and then picked out a few Christmas shirts and then added these Choose Kindness shirts to my pile. I […]

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Madison Eve!

Baseball was over–time to head back home to my mom and dad’s for a weekend & celebrate a special little girl turning SIX! We took it pretty easy Friday night because we knew that Saturday would be a day full of fun. We would start off with a quick little photo shoot of the birthday […]

Friday, June 22, 2018

The Great Lenexa BBQ Battle

For the past of the couple of years Justin and his buddies, the Pitt Smokers, have competed in The Great Lenexa BBQ Battle and this year was no exception. I won’t lie, I like it when the compete in smaller scale events so that they have a better chance of winning but this competition, but […]

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Happy {Half} Birthday

By now, you know we celebrate half birthdays. It really doesn’t consist of much–just a little extra loving on the half birthday boy, half a birthday treat, the happy half birthday song & maybe something special for dinner but absolutely NO GIFTS. On this particular half birthday, Kaden turned eight and a half. That was […]

Saturday, October 14, 2017


It was that time of year again–PittState Homecoming.  & we were headed back but this time we had another family meeting us there. It just so happens that Logan’s best buddy in school, Little C, well, his dad is from Arma (which I played against when in high school) & attended PittState too. It was […]

Monday, May 8, 2017

sMOREs celebration

*Disclaimer–I did a horrible job documenting this birthday party with pictures–it just didn’t happen this time. Of course we couldn’t just have one birthday party for the Golden Birthday Boy…so we threw a second party, one with our family and friends. At the park. Our favorite park. & since we were having it outdoors, I […]