Friday, December 5, 2014

Here’s to Another Wonderful Year

I was on top of my game this year when it came to our family holiday card. Maybe it was because Oliver Beckett Photography has pretty much all but come to an end. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t waiting on a “holiday” picture and just used a few of my favorite images from Instagram—like we did in 2012. However, it’s more likely because I LOVE this time of year & hearing the mailman drive away is one of my most favorite sounds during the holiday season & I just wanted to kick off the holiday season on the right foot–I waited until December. 

And luckily, I have a great husband who understands just how much I LOVE opening mail during the holidays and he saves all the good ones for me. 

With that being said, here’s our 2014 Holiday card—a little look into a FEW, just a FEW, of our favorite moments from this past year.

Family trip to San Francisco in April ~ First Drive-in Movie with the Berberiches ~ Date night ~ Our family vacation to St. Maarten with my parents and Justin’s mom ~ My 32nd birthday celebration ~ Spring evenings in the backyard ~ St. Patrick’s Day Warm-up Parade ~ Easter Sunday with Cousin Colton ~ Kaden turns 5 & get’s his new bike ~ Justin’s BBQ competition where they took Grand Prize ~ Mizzou Friends & Family picnic ~ Kaden and Grandma Sara at his T-ball game ~ Justin and the boys at their first Sporting KC game ~ Vacation Bible School ~ the carnival with Miss Leah ~ Kaden’s first day of pre-school ~ Summer Popsicles with Madison ~ Logan turns Three ~ Post Season with the Royals ~ Our Nanny ~ Logan in gymnastics ~ A little kiss from Logie ~ Lake time ~ Fourth of July fun ~ Happy Holloween ~ First Royals game of the year & Daddy’s birthday ~ Janet’s last day of teaching ~ Fun at the Farm & Kylie’s birthday ~ Cousin Fun at the K ~ First Fishing adventure.

Posted by Kayla South at 10:54 AM