Sunday, November 28, 2010

All for one SPECIAL little girl!

Miss Lottie is such an inspiration to all of us. She is battling Leukemia and besides not having any hair, you wouldn’t even know there was anything wrong. But on a weekly basis, if not more, she undergoes some sort of treatment or has her levels checked. She has been poked and prodded countless times but takes it all with a smile. So tonight, family, friends, church members, and even strangers gathered in Avilla for an auction to benefit The Love for Lottie Mae Fund. The turn out was amazing, the support was overwhelming. We bought t-shirts and even put an orange extension in our hair to raise awareness and show support. We took part in the auction and won a few items. Papa Tom went home with a new maple tree, a block of cheese, a rick of wood and some birdseed. Aunt Pam and I were bidding against each other and in the end decided to split a basket of haircare supplies. It was such a great evening for such a great cause and it gives us all yet another reason to be thankful. We are so thankful and blessed that the treatment seems to be working and that Lottie has been responding so well to everything, so well, she was able to come out to the benefit and see each and every person there that is rooting for her and her family. We can’t forget about the strength that her mom and dad, Scott and Victoria, have shown. What they have been able to do for their little girl is remarkable and we can all learn from the love and support that they give to one another. In the midst of all the ugly, so many beautiful things have shown through and conquered.

Blake and Leah in their new shirts.

Kaden propping his feet up on Papa Tom. Time to settle in.

Photo courtesy of Miss Leah

Posted by Kayla South at 7:27 AM