Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy, Hoppy Easter!

Kaden woke up Monday morning to a basket full of goodies from the Easter Bunny. He got his first set of golf clubs from Grandma Sara and Papa Tom, animal eggs, a laptop computer (he likes to play with mine way too much so it was time for his own), and then some basic staples, socks, a shirt, and some skidders. But one of his favorite things he got was his card, the little dude could play with cards all day long! We had to have a couple outfit changes since mommy bought too many cute things while shopping on Friday and once the photoshoot was over, it was nap time and then over to Grammy’s house for some more Easter fun.

And again, it was a full house for Easter, Nannie came over, Leann and Dionte, Adam, Becky and Colton and then Charlie too. We are so excited for next year because the kiddos will be able to actually hide and then hunt the Easter Eggs. This year we had to settle for bunny years but as you can tell, it was a little difficult to get a picture of the boys with their ears on at the same time. Colton didn’t like keeping the ears on, Kaden seemed to be too interested in what Colton was doing. But we got a few in before all HELL broke loose, Grammy Janet tore Kaden’s bunny ears and he was not a happy camper, he actually cried himself to sleep. All in all, it was a great first Easter.

Posted by Kayla South at 10:56 AM